Requesting seed
The annual seed exchange opens on 1st November. Each member is sent a seed list with associated notes by e-mail, or by post if they do not use the internet. Seed donors are given priority until 10th November. Seed requests from EU members must arrive by 14th November. All other seed requests must arrive before 28th November, after which the seed exchange closes.
Each member may request an allocation of 10 free packets by placing an ‘X’ against each desired item on the order form, together with 5 alternatives ‘A’. If no alternatives are indicated it will be assumed that none is required. Extra packets of seed, at 50p per packet, may be requested from any stock remaining after the main seed distribution has closed by placing an ‘E’ on the order form. An ‘AE’ would signify that the member would like to purchase that item as extra seed if it had not been allocated as an alternative.
Those members requesting extra seed (E or AE) will have their initial allocation of 10 packets reserved, with the extra packets being added after the seed exchange has closed. Those members will then be invoiced for the payment due for the extra packets. They do not need to pay in advance.
Seed requests should be sent to the Seed Exchange Manager:
Ian Scott, 6 Hays Road, The Gauldry, Fife DD6 8SJ, UK
To send an e-mail, click here.
Members are reminded to complete the return address label on the order form, but there is no need to send a self-addressed envelope.
22nd October
Seed List compiled after donations completed.
1st November
Seed list sent out. Seed requests processed, with donors given priority.
10th November
Seed requests from donors no longer have priority.
14th November
Last day for seed requests from EU members.
28th November
Last day. Seed exchange closes at midnight.
Payment can be made by cheque to ‘The Meconopsis Group’ at the above address, or by using the following PayPal button, which has a variable value payment facility. Click on this button to make an extra seed exchange payment.
December / January
If possible, please notify the seed exchange manager when your allocation arrives.
U.S. members must have a ‘Small Lots of Seeds’ permit, issued by APHIS. Click here for details of how to obtain a permit.
The ‘Small Lots’ permit is the only one not requiring phytosanitary certification in the UK. A copy of the permit with the conditions attached to it, with a green and yellow customs quarantine label, should be sent to the seed exchange manager, together with the seed request. No seed can be sent without this documentation. The permit lasts for 3 years and can be re-used.
The Meconopsis Group is a Study Group so please report back to Ian on your experience.