Susan’s Reward

Introduction or end photo or 3

Meconopsis ‘Susan’s Reward’    

 George Sherriff Group     MG No 3

Named in 2008 by The Meconopsis Group
Award AGM (2013)

a single leaf showing neat serrate teeth.Single leaf showing neat, serrate teeth.

Flowers withoverlapping petals
Flower with overlapping petals.

PB Fruit capsule IMG_4287Susan'sRewardCrpdEnhEllipsoidal fruit
capsule covered in
pale bristles.

Young leaves showing a purple tinge.Young leaves showing a purple tinge.


Mature clump of leaves showing neat serrate teeth.Mature clump of leaves showing neat serrate teeth.


Meconopsis ‘Susan’s Reward’ was given to Sue Sym in 1972 by Betty Sherriff after she had helped her in the garden at Ascreavie. Sue grew it in several gardens on the eastern side of Scotland where the rainfall is generally lower than in other Scottish areas. It was introduced to The Meconopsis Group by Jim Jermyn because of its tolerance to drier conditions and it may be the best choice of plants in the George Sherriff Group for southern gardens. 



This is a tall, leafy, vigorous clone with rounded flowers that are deep blue, tinged with purple. The four petals are ovate and broadly overlapping. Two to four flowers emerge from the false whorl and there are often one or two others coming from the uppermost leaf axils.


The young emerging leaves have a purplish tinge, which fades as the leaves mature. They are covered with short hairs. The basal leaves have neat serrate teeth at the margin. Large broad elliptical leaves overlap each other as they clasp the stem.

The ellipsoidal fruit capsule is covered with pale bristles. This clone is generally sterile.


Meconopsis ‘Susan’s Reward’ is readily available from specialist nurseries and is easily propagated by division as it produces short stolons.

Flower and buds at the false whorl.Flower and buds at the false whorl.

Meconopsis 'Susan's Reward' showing overlapping stem leavesMeconopsis ‘Susan’s Reward’ showing overlapping stem leaves

Clump of Meconopsis ‘Susan’s Reward.Clump of Meconopsis ‘Susan’s Reward’.