The Meconopsis Group

Archive search

Here are all the Group’s archived documents. They are classified by Type (options are club business, email, finance, gardens, image, meeting notice, meeting report, membership, newsletter, plant information, plant naming, questionnaire, seed exchange and talk) as well as Year and Author.

You can change the order in which they are presented by clicking the up and down arrows in the column headings.

You can filter the table by entering text in the Search box. For example, if you type ‘2019’, you will limit the list to documents produced in 2019, or if you type ‘talk’ you will see all reports of talks given at Group meetings. If you type more than one word, it filters on both, so ‘talk 2018’ gives all talks given in that year, or ‘talk nepal’ gives all talks that have Nepal in the subject.

IDYearTypeDocument nameAuthor
4202020seed exchangeSeed Exchange Report January 2020
4192020membershipSubscription Secretary’s report, 2019
4182020club businessUpdated Meconopsis Group Constitution March 2020
4172020meeting noticeAgenda AGM March 7th 2920
4162020newsletterNewsletter, February 2020
4152019seed exchangeAgenda for meeting on October 19th 2019
4142019seed exchangeSeed List Notes
4132019seed exchange2019 Seed List
4122019talkTinnisburn PlantsHelen Knowles
4112019talkHow to Make a MeconopsisDavid Rankin
4102019talkWild Flowers of the QinghaiIan Scott
4092019seed exchangeSeed Exchange Report January 2019
4082019membershipSubscription Secretary’s Report 2019
4072019financeThe Meconopsis Group Financial Account 2019
4062019financeGeneral Account for The Meconopsis Group 2019
4052019financeFinancial Report for The Meconopsis Group 2019
4042019meeting noticeAGM on 23rd February 2019 minutes
4032018talkReport on DNADavid Rankin
4022018plant namingReport on the Plant Assessment CommitteePat Murphy
4012018talkPlant Hunting in the RBGE ArchivesLeonie Paterson
4002018talkExploring Chinese MeconopsisAlan Oatway
3992018meeting reportGroup meeting report on 20th October 2018
3982018meeting noticeNotification of Group meeting on Saturday 20th October 2018
3972018seed exchange2018 Seed Exchange News
3962018meeting reportMinutes of AGM on 10th March 2018 Meeting
3952018meeting noticeNotification and Agenda of AGM on 10th March 2018 Meeting
3942017seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed List 2017-18
3932017plant namingAssessment Group ReportIan Christie
3922017talkMeconopsis in two gardens Part 2 Peter and Tricia Kohn
3912017talkMeconopsis in two gardens Part 1 Peter and Tricia Kohn
3902017talkMeconopsis at Branklyn GardenJim Jermyn
3892017plant namingICRA International Cultivar Registration Authority
3882017meeting reportFinal Questions 28th October 2017
3872017talkDr Evelyn Stevens: A Eulogy Jim Jermyn
3862017meeting report28th October 2017 Meeting Report
3852017meeting noticeAgenda 28th October 2017 Meeting
3842017club businessChanges to Constitution Amendments
3832017club businessNotes on Changes to Constitution
3822017club businessChanges to Constitution proposed at AGM 2017
3812017seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange Report 2017
3802017membershipSubscription Secretary Report 2017
3792017financeFinancial Report AGM 2017 Meeting
3782017meeting reportAGM Meeting report
3772017meeting noticeAgenda AGM 4th March 2017 Meeting
3762016plant namingPlant Naming and AssessmentIan Christie
3752016talkMeconopsis taylorii, Meconopsis regia et al.David Thorne
3742016talkThe Nagoya Protocol – An UpdateDavid Rankin
3732016talkMeconopsis at Longwood GardenKirsty Wilson
3722016talkTwo Nepali MonocarpsAlan Oatway
3712016meeting reportReport: The Meconopsis Group Meeting
3702016meeting noticeAgenda: The Meconopsis Group Meeting
3692016newsletterOctober Newsletter
3682016talkHarewood’s Himalayan Garden Past Present and FutureTrevor Nicholson
3672016talkHow to Take Good Digital ImagesLiz Cole
3662016talkDigital Herbarium: Progress ReportMargaret Thorne
3652016talkDigital Herbarium: Collecting InformationMargaret Thorne
3642016seed exchangeSeed Exchange Report Jan 2016
3632016finance2016 Finance Slides
3622016membership2016 Subscription and Secretary’s Report
3612016financeFinancial Summary
3602016financeGroup Finances
3592016meeting report2016 AGM Report
3582016meeting notice2016 AGM Agenda
3572016meeting noticeNotification of Meeting
3562016plant informationMeconopsis Group Flyer for new group book
3552016membershipMeconopsis Group membership renewal Form 2016
3542016membershipMeconopsis Group renewal letter 2016
3532015talkPropagation Of MeconopsisAlan Elliott
3522015talkAre You Getting Wonderful Results from Seed?Ian Scott
3512015talkDigital HerbariumMargaret Thorne
3502015talkMeconopsis integrifolia ReportDavid Rankin
3492015meeting noticeAgenda for Meeting on 17th October 2015
3482015seed exchangeSeed List 2015
3472015seed exchangeSeed Exchange Donations 2015
3462015meeting noticeAgenda for Meeting on October 17th 2015
3452015newsletterNewsletter September 2015
3442015newsletterNewsletter April 2015
3432015talkThe Way Forward: Slides for TalkMargaret Thorne
3422015talkThe Way ForwardMargaret Thorne
3412015talkGardening ScotlandSharon Bradley
3402015talkTrip to NepalAlan Elliott
3392015talkAn account of growing Meconopsis in Three GardensJames Cobb
3382015talkTravels and Plants at RBGERon McBeath
3372015meeting reportMinutes of AGM on March 7th 2015
3362015meeting noticeAgenda for Meeting on March 7th 2015
3352015newsletterNewsletter February 2015
3342014talkMeconopsis -and the Rest in ChinaDavid Rankin
3332014talkNew ClassificationChris Grey-Wilson
3322014meeting reportAutumn Meeting Report
3312014plant informationBook Offer
3302014newsletterSeptember Newsletter
3292014seed exchangeSeedlist
3282014seed exchangeSeed Exchange: Three Main Aims
3272014meeting reportMinutes of AGM on March 15th 2014
3262014talkMeconopsis wilsonii: Distinguishing featuresDavid Rankin
3252014talkMeconopsis at Glenarn and Meconopsis Molecular SamplingSue Thornley and Alan Elliott
3242014seed exchangeSeedlist Newsletter
3232014club businessChairman’s Report
3222014meeting reportSpring Meeting Report
3212013emailAmended Reports
3202013membershipMembership Renewal Form 2013
3192013newsletterNewsletter, November 2013
3182013seed exchangeMG Seed Exchange List 2013/2014
3172013seed exchangeSeed Exchange email
3162013plant informationAwards of Garden Merit
3152013talkPolyploidy in Meconopsis John Richards
3142013talkA Few Meconopsis You Cannot Afford To Miss Jim Jermyn
3132013talkBranklynSteve McNamara
3122013talkMore Plants of Distinction Evelyn Stevens
3112013talkReport on RHS Trial Pat Murphy
3102013newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, September 2013/Programme for the meeting on 26th October 2013
3092013seed exchangeSeed Exchange letter, September 2013
3082013newsletterNext meeting/RHS trial/Seed exchange
3072013newsletterNewsletter, May 2013
3062013talkThe Importance of Polyploidy in Meconopsis with Particular Regard to the Big Perennial Blue Poppies Ian McNaughton
3052013talkMeconopsis in Arunachal Pradesh Margaret and David Thorne
3042013talkThe Meconopsis Group, The First 15 Years Evelyn Stevens
3032013talkMeconopsis Species Ian Scott
3022013talkLen Beer’s Expedition to Nepal Bob Mitchell
3012013financeGroup financial statement for the year 2012
3002013meeting reportReport of the meeting held on 2nd March 2013
2992013emailMeeting reminder
2982013questionnaireCultivar Questionnaire 2013
2972013newsletter/meeting noticeProgramme for meeting on 2nd March 2013/Notice of 10th AGM
2962013newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, January 2013/Notice of 10th AGM
2952013membershipMembership Renewal form 2013
2942013membershipMembership Renewal letter
2932012seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange list 2012/2013
2922012meeting noticeProgramme for the meeting on 3rd November 2012
2912012questionnaireSpecies Questionnaire 2012
2902012seed exchangeMG Seed Exchange letter, September 2012
2892012newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, September2012/Programme for the meeting on 3rd November 2012
2882012newsletterNewsletter, May 2012/Named plants
2872012talkPhylogenetic Relationships and Molecular Dating of the Genus Meconopsis Alan Elliott
2862012talkIn Search of the Queen of Meconopsis Jim Jermyn
2852012talkMeconopsis in Hexham and in China John Richards
2842012financeGroup Financial Statement for the year 2011
2832012meeting reportReport of the Meeting held on 3rd March 2012
2822012meeting noticeProgramme for the Meeting on 3rd March 2012
2812012emailSad news
2802012talkMeconopsis betonicifolia in Cultivation in Alaska Bill Terry
2792012newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, January 2012/Notice of 9th AGM
2782011financeSubscription via PayPal
2772011membershipMembership Renewal Form 2012
2762011seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange list 2011/2012
2752011talkIn Search of the Pink Poppywort Tim Lever
2742011talkThe Call of the Wild 3: Meconopsis Found and Lost: Tibet and India David and Margaret Thorne
2732011talkExplorers: The Scottish Plant Hunters’ Garden Julia Corden
2722011talkCultivation Notes on Three Species James Cobb
2712011talkMeconopsis in Bavaria Jenny Wainwright-Klein
2702011talkDonald Cameron Carmichael George Watt
2692011meeting noticeProgramme for the meeting on 19th November 2011
2682011emailCameron Carmichael
2672011seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange letter, September 2011
2662011plant namingInternational Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants (in Wikipedia.)
2652011plant namingGuidance on Taxonomical Procedures Chris Brickell and Evelyn Stevens
2642011newsletterNewsletter September 2011/Programme for the Meeting on 19th November 2011
2632011newsletterNewsletter May 2011
2622011talkMeconopsis wilsonii Subspecies David Rankin
2612011talkIntroducing Two Newly Described species of Meconopsis (Photos only) Paul Egan
2602011talkIntroducing Two Newly Described species of Meconopsis (Text only) Paul Egan
2592011talkMeconopsis and Botanical Illustration Janet Watson and Sharon Bradley
2582011talkRaising Meconopsis Species from Seed Geoff Hill
2572011talkMy Experiences of Meconopsis in the Wild and in Cultivation Peter Cox
2562011plant namingPlants for Naming Jim Jermyn
2552011financeGroup Financial Statement for the year 2010
2542011meeting reportReport of the Meeting held on 5th March 2011
2532011meeting noticeProgramme for the Meeting on 5th March 2011
2522011membershipMembers Renewal Form 2011
2512011newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter January 2011/Notice of 8th AGM
2502010seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange list 2010/2011
2492010financeSubscriptions by Paypal
2482010plant namingPlants for Naming Evelyn Stevens
2472010talkMeconopsis Type Specimen Collection at RBGE Alan Elliott
2462010talkHolehird slides, Part 2Pat Murphy
2452010talkHolehird slides, Part 1Pat Murphy
2442010talkMeconopsis at HolehirdPat Murphy
2432010talkTaxonomic Problems James Cobb
2422010talkA Closer Look at Some Nepalese Meconopsis Through the Lens of Mike Hirst Jim Jermyn
2412010meeting noticeProgramme change for Meeting on 20th November 2010
2402010meeting noticeProgramme for Meeting on 20th November 2010
2392010seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange letter – September 2010
2382010newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, September 2010/Programme for meeting on 20th November 2010
2372010newsletterNewsletter, May 2010
2362010talkQuest for Meconopsis in Sichuan 2009 Toshio Yoshida
2352010talkQuest for Meconopsis in Yunnan 2006-2009 Toshio Yoshida
2342010meeting noticeProgramme for Meeting on 8th May 2010
2332010talkMeconopsis horridula and the Small Blue Poppies Chris Grey-Wilson
2322010talkNew Findings on Meconopsis from Nepal Paul Egan
2312010talkMeconopsis grandis and its Allies Chris Grey-Wilson
2302010financeGroup Financial Statement, Tables 2 and 3
2292010financeGroup Financial Statement for the year 2009
2282010meeting reportReport of Meeting held on 6th March 2010
2272010meeting noticeProgrammes for Meetings on 6th March 2010 and 8th May 2010
2262010newsletterNewsletter, January 2010/Notice of 7th AGM
2252009talkCall of the Wild notes David and Margaret Thorne
2242009talkCall of the Wild slides part 2 David and Margaret Thorne
2232009talkCall of the Wild slides part 1 David and Margaret Thorne
2222009membershipMembership Renewal Form 2010
2212009plant namingPlants for Naming Evelyn Stevens
2202009talkFrom Chengdu to Lhasa: Highlights from Some of the High Passes John Mitchell
2192009talkSeed Germination and Viability Geoff Hill
2182009talkMeconopsis from NE Yunnan David Rankin
2172009talkDestination Nepal: the land, plants and fieldwork at the crossroads of the Himalaya Mark Watson
2162009newsletter/meeting reportNewsletter, December 2009/ Report of meeting held on 31st October 2009
2152009seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange list 2009/2010
2142009seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange letter, September 2009
2132009gardensVisit to Lake District gardens from 5th-7th June 2009 Peggy Anderson and Evelyn Stevens
2122009newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, September 2009/Programme for meeting on 31st October 2009
2112009newsletterNewsletter, May 2009
2102009talkMeconopsis: Seed Viability Testing, Seed Coat Characteristics and Phylogenetic Relationships Alan Elliott
2092009talkMeconopsis sherriffii and a Few Others Alan Furness
2082009talkCan We Use Molecular Biology Methods to Help Naming Meconopses? Part3 Adam Curtis
2072009talkThe Call of the WildMargaret and David Thorne
2062009plant namingPlants for Naming Evelyn Stevens
2052009club businessThe Meconopsis Group Constitution as amended on 28th February 2009
2042009financeGroup Financial Statement for the year 2008
2032009meeting reportReport of Meeting held on 28th February 2009
2022009meeting noticeAGM Agenda and proposed alterations to the Constitution
2012009club businessNotice of proposed alterations to the Constitution
2002009newsletterNewsletter, January 2009/Programme for meeting on 28th February 2009
1992008plant informationAlso in 2008, three further factsheets were produced and are available here.
1982008seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange list 2008/2009
1972008talkPlant Portraits Geoff Hill
1962008talkEcology and Ethnobotany of Some Meconopsis of Nepal Paul Egan
1952008talkAn Eye on Inverewe’s Future Kevin Ball
1942008plant namingPlants for Naming Evelyn Stevens
1932008talkA Baker’s Dozen: the Best Perennial Poppies for a Conventional Garden Jim Jermyn
1922008talkBy Their Seeds You Shall Know Them David Rankin
1912008meeting reportReport of Meeting held on 15th November 2008
1902008membershipMembership Renewal Form 2009
1892008seed exchangeMeconpsis Group Seed Exchange letter, October 2008
1882008newsletterNewsletter, October 2008/Programme for meeting on 15th November 2008
1872008newsletterNewsletter, April 2008
1862008talkProposal to start an archive of digital images of Meconopsis in the wild James Cobb
1852008talkCan We Use Molecular Biology Methods to Help Naming Meconopses? Part 2 Prof. Adam Curtis
1842008talkA Look at M. grandis and the M. betonicifolia Group: (ii) The Small Blue Poppies Chris Grey-Wilson
1832008financeGroup Financial Statement for the year 2007
1822008meeting reportReport of Meeting held on 8th March 2008
1812008newsletterNewsletter, January 2008/Programme for meeting on 8th March 2008
1802007seed exchangeMG Seed Exchange list 2007/2008
1792007membershipMembership Renewal Form 2008
1782007newsletterNewsletter, December 2007
1772007talkEffects of Climate Change on Growing Meconopsis Cameron Carmichael
1762007club businessUpdate of the year’s activities (continued) – Evelyn Stevens
1752007talkCultivation of Meconopsis Species Ron McBeath
1742007talkCan We Use Molecular Biology Methods to Help Naming Meconopses?Prof. Adam Curtis
1732007talkMeconopsis in Ireland Harold McBride
1722007meeting reportReport of Meeting held on 27th October 2007
1712007newsletterProgramme for Meeting on 27th October 2007
1702007seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange letter, September 2007
1692007newsletterNewsletter, September 2007/ Programme for Meeting on 27th October 2007
1682007membershipMembers’ observations, questions and discussions Jim Jermyn (chairman)
1672007talkMeconopsis at Royal Botanic Garden EdinburghJohn Mitchell
1662007club businessUpdate of the year’s activities so far Evelyn Stevens
1652007plant namingPresentation of plants for naming John Mitchell and Evelyn Stevens
1642007talkMeconopsis at National Trust for Scotland Garden ‘Branklyn’ Steve McNamara
1632007talkFlowers of Yunnan James Cobb
1622007financeGroup Finances July 2007, page 2
1612007financeGroup Finances July 2007, page 1
1602007meeting reportReport of Meeting held on 14th July 2007
1592007questionnaireQuestionnaire re plants grown
1582007newsletterNewsletter May 2007/ Programme for Meeting on 14th July 2007
1572007emailNo meeting on 15th April 2007
1562007emailCancellation of Meconopsis Group meeting on 10th March 2007
1552007questionnaireWebsite Questionnaire, January 2007
1542007newsletterNewsletter 22nd January 2007
1532007membershipMembership Renewal Form 2007
1522007newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter January 2007/ Programme for Meeting on 10th March 2007
1512006seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange list 2006/2007
1502006club businessUpdate of the year’s activities Evelyn Stevens
1492006talkMeconopsis cambrica Chris Grey-Wilson
1482006talkMiscellaneous Small Blue Poppies (other than M. horridula complex)Chris Grey-Wilson
1472006gardensNorthern Ireland Trip Report Jim Jermyn
1462006talkEvergreen Monocarpic Meconopsis Chris Grey-Wilson
1452006meeting reportReport of meeting held on 18th November 2006
1442006seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange letter, Autumn 2006
1432006newsletterNewsletter, September 2006
1422006gardensDirectory of Meconopsis-rich gardens 2006
1412006newsletterNewsletter, April 2006
1402006talkCurrent Problems with Meconopsis James Cobb
1392006plant namingCultivars to be considered for naming in the current year Evelyn Stevens
1382006talkMeconopsis in South-east Tibet Anne Chambers
1372006meeting reportReport of the Meeting held on 11th February 2006
1362006meeting noticeProgramme for mMeting on 11th February 2006
1352005seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange list 2005/2006
1342005newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, December 2005 / Programme for Meeting on 11th February 2006
1332005membershipForm for inclusion on Membership List 2006
1322005membershipMembership Renewal Form 2006
1312005seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange letter, Autumn 2005
1302005plant informationReport of Seed Trials of M. ‘Lingholm’ Bill Terry
1292005newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, September 2005 / Programme for Meeting on 11th February 2006
1282005gardensTour of plants at The Linns, 11th June 2005
1272005gardensReport of Meeting (Garden Visits), 11th June 2005
1262005gardensDirectory of Meconopsis-rich gardens 2005
1252005newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter- April 2005 / Programme for Meeting on 11th June 2005
1242005plant namingUpdate report and plant naming Evelyn Stevens
1232005talkMeconopsis, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly David Rankin
1222005talkUpdate on Meconopsis Hybrids Les Drummond
1212005talkMeconopsis and Other Special Plants at Inverewe John Anderson
1202005talkRediscovery of George Sherriff’s M. grandis GS600 Form Peter Cox & Ann Chambers
1192005plant namingPlant naming recommendations Evelyn Stevens
1182005meeting reportReport of Meeting held on 12th February 2005
1172005newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, January 2005 / Programme for Meeting on 12th February 2005
1162004membershipMembership Renewal 2005
1152004seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange list 2004/2005
1142004seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange letter, Autumn 2004
1132004meeting noticeSymposium Part II, Discussion Topics
1122004talkConservation of Monocarpic Species Cameron Carmichael
1112004talkMeconopsis Hybrids Les Drummond
1102004talkUpdate of Meconopsis Group’s Work Evelyn Stevens
1092004newsletter/meeting reportReport of Meeting held on 23rd May 2004 / Newsletter, October 2004
1082004gardensVisits to Meconopsis-rich gardens, 2004
1072004questionnaireQuestionnaire, March 2004
1062004newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, March 2004 / Programme for Meeting on 23rd May
1052004talkMeconopsis integrifolia Newman Burberry
1042004talkUpdate on Meconopsis DNA Peggy Anderson
1032004talkLooking Forward, Looking Back James Cobb
1022004talkSome Meconopsis and Others Ian Christie
1012004talkMeconopsis in Qinghai and Sichuan John Mitchell
1002004club businessMeconopsis Group Constitution as approved on 14th February 2004
992004club businessFrontispiece for Meconopsis Group Constitution
982004meeting reportReport of the Meeting held on 14th February 2004
972004club businessMeconopsis Group Proposed Constitution
962004newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, January 2004 / Programme for Meeting on 14th February 2004
952003club businessLeaflet on the Aims and Membership of The Meconopsis Group
942003seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange list 2003/2004
932003seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange letter, Autumn 2003
922003plant informationSets of Meconopsis in Clonal Trial Bed at Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Summer 2003
912003plant namingTable of Approved Names, Amended May 2003
902003imageOHPs of Meconopis horridula and Meconopis integrifolia groups Chris Grey-Wilson
892003talkMeconopis horridula group and Meconopis sinomaculata Chris Grey-Wilson
882003talkMeconopis integrifolia, M. pseudointegrifolia and M. cambrica Chris Grey-Wilson
872003newsletter/meeting reportReport of Meeting held on 7th June 2003 / Newsletter, October 2003
862003plant informationSets of Meconopsis in Clonal Trial Bed, April 2003
852003plant namingTable of Approved Names, March 2003
842003talkAnalysing Meconopsis DNA Peggy Anderson
832003talkDNA Structure Peggy Anderson
822003meeting reportReport of the Meeting held on 6th April 2003
812003gardensVisits to Meconopsis-rich gardens, 8th June 2003
802003newsletter/meeting noticeNewsletter, March 2003 / Agenda for Meeting on 6th April 2003
792002seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange list 2002/2003
782002seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange letter, Autumn 2002
772002meeting reportReport, October 2002
762002newsletterNewsletter, October 2002
752002plant informationMeconopsis ‘Lingholm’
742002imageFact-sheet Number 1, Meconopsis ‘Lingholm’
732002gardensVisits to Meconopsis-rich gardens, 25th May 2002
722002newsletterNewsletter, May 2002
712002imageMap showing the main areas of Meconopsis distributionJim Jermyn
702002talkDistribution in the Wild of the Genus MeconopsisJim Jermyn
692002meeting reportReport of the Meeting held on 9th February 2002
682002meeting noticeProgramme for the Meeting on 9th February 2002
672001seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange list 2001/2002
662001seed exchangeMeconopsis Group Seed Exchange letter, Autumn 2001
652001questionnaireQuestionnaire, Autumn 2001
642001newsletterNewsletter, October 2001
632001gardensReport of the Meeting held at The Linns on 16th June 2001
622001emailVenue change for 16th June 2001 meeting
612001gardensVisits to Meconopsis-rich gardens, 17th June 2001
602001newsletterNewsletter, April 2001
592000talkMeconopsis in Qinghai, Gansu and Sichuan Chris Brickell
582000meeting reportReport of Meeting held on 2nd December 2000
572000talkSimple Background to Chromosomes and Taxonomy of Meconopsis Peggy Anderson
562000meeting noticeProgramme for the Meeting on 2nd December 2000 & Revised Naming Proposals
552000newsletterNewsletter, November 2000
542000imageViewing Trial Beds 5, June 2000
532000imageViewing Trial Beds 4, June 2000
522000imageViewing Trial Beds 3, June 2000
512000imageViewing Trial Beds 2, June 2000
502000imageViewing Trial Beds 1, June 2000
492000plant namingPlant Classification Diagram Peggy Anderson
482000plant namingIntroduction to Plant Classification Peggy Anderson
472000plant namingNaming scheme questionnaire, August 2000
462000plant namingReport of the discussion of the naming scheme proposals
452000plant namingFinalised Naming Scheme Proposals for the Perennial Blue Poppies
442000talkLittle Purple Meconopsis David Rankin
432000meeting reportReport of the Meeting held on 10th June 2000
422000plant informationNotes on Meconopsis Trial Bed, June 2000
412000imageMeconopss ‘Slieve Donard’ at Dawyck
402000gardensVisits to Meconopsis-rich gardens, 11th June 2000
392000plant namingDiscussion Sheet B: Comments on the plants in the Identification Trial Bed
382000plant namingDiscussion Sheet A: Proposed naming scheme for perennial blue poppies
372000meeting noticeNewsletter, May 2000 / Programme for the Meeting on 10th June 2000
362000newsletterNewsletter, January 2000
351999talkMeconopsis Seed and Seed-RaisingPaul Matthews
341999talkThose Names, Those Names – Problems with Naming the Blue Poppies Chris Brickell
331999talkNaming Problems – Setting the Scene Evelyn Stevens
321999meeting reportReport of the Meeting held on 20th November 1999
311999meeting noticeProgramme for the Meeting held on 20th November 1999
301999questionnaireSeed-raising questionnaire, October 1999
291999newsletterNewsletter, October 1999
281999plant informationPlant Discussion Session
271999club businessSession to Discuss Group Business
261999talkMore Meconopsis in the Wild Mike Hirst
251999talkComputer Scanning for Recording Plants on the Internet Evelyn Stevens
241999talkChromosomes and Taxonomy of Meconopsis Hugh McAllister
231999talkMeconopsis at Inshriach Nursery John Lawson
221999meeting reportReport of the Meeting held on 29th May 1999
211999meeting noticeProgramme for the Meeting on 29th May 1999
201999newsletterNewsletter, January 1999
191998newsletterLetter to prospective members (post Inaugural Meeting)
181998meeting reportSummary Report of the Inaugural Meeting 12.09.98
171998talkPropagation of Meconopsis Tom Shearer
161998talkMeconopsis at Inverewe, 1973 -1983 Dick Fulcher
151998talkMarketing and Commerce Ian Christie
141998talkMeconopsis grandis GS600 Does Not Exist David Tattersfield
131998talkChromosome Counts of the Fertile ‘Meconopsis x sheldonii’ Hugh McAllister
121998talkMeconopsis ‘Lingholm Strain’ and Meconopsis ‘Crewdson Hybrids’ Mike Swift
111998talkHand-pollinated Hybrid Meconopsis Henry and Margaret Taylor
101998talkVariation in Meconopsis in the Wild Peter Cox
91998talkMeconopsis Introductions Cameron Carmichael
81998talkBotanical Perspectives James Cobb
71998talkRelationship Problems amongst Meconopsis Cultivars Evelyn Stevens
61998talkAnalysis of Data on Plants given in Questionnaire Evelyn Stevens
51998talkMeconopsis in the Wild Ron McBeath
41998meeting reportReport of the Inaugural Meeting held on 12th September 1998
31998meeting noticeProgramme for Inaugural Meeting 12th September 1998
21998club businessProposal for the formation of a Meconopsis Group
11998newsletterLetter to prospective members, July 1998